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My Fall Reading List 2017

You know that feeling of scrolling through Instagram and realizing that a major part of the world is celebrating Autumn and getting excited about Pumpkin spice ~everything~ while you have only known two kinds of seasons in your entire life (and like, WTF, why did you have to be born in the tropics for gods' sakes)?!?!


Just me? Okaaayy then.

Every time my social media feed starts raving about Fall and crunchy leaves and apple-picking, I go a little crazy myself. In the sense, that I face major withdrawal issues. Like, here I am, a lover of chunky knit sweaters and delicious hot chocolate... and what do I get blessed with instead? Endless hot and humid weather, that's what.

Guess I'll just have to wait for the freezing winter months to compensate. Except it's not much of a compensation when you can't feel your limbs. -_-

Anywayyy, I digress.

The agenda of this blog post is to share with you what I'm planning to read this Fall... erm, this last-vestiges-of-summer-before-we-are-slammed-with-winter really.

I'm very excited to read these beauties, so let's just jump right in!

my fall reading list 2017

1. Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

Bookstagram has been driving me INSANE about this book since last year (like, how MEAN). I get it, people. I get it. This book is a beautiful gem of a piece and I must abandon my adult life to devour it ASAP. I GET IT. No need to taunt me with beautiful pictures and spoiler-y gushing of ~all the fEELS~.

A lovely friend took mercy upon my poor soul and gifted it to me two days ago. I may have cried a little upon holding this precious baby in my hands (the sheer beauty of the art on the hardback cover will do that to you). Hallelujah for such friends!

I have heard so much about this book, I honestly can't wait to tuck myself into its world. Its sequel - Godsgrave - is also releasing on September 25th, so, luckily, I would have avoided the whole waiting-for-the-next-book-while-trying-to-stay-alive ordeal.

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2. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Okay, so, let me just say that it's been a long, long time since I read a good Contemporary novel. The last one I read was "All the Bright Places" by Jennifer Niven and that was in 2016.

Between Murakami's magical realism and Mass's high-fantasy novels, I haven't really been reaching for a Contemporary. And sometimes, when you get caught in that zone, I find that Contemporaries can seem quite ordinary, in comparison, and it can be slightly difficult to enjoy them.

So, when Bookstagram informed me there was a new Contemporary bestseller in town, guess who got EXTREMELY excited. The reviews for this book are exceptionally positive and I can't wait to pick it up! After all the heavy-duty fantasy books, it may just make for a wonderful change.

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3. All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

True story : I have had this book for about three months now and I have still not read it. The ironical life of being a bookworm, amirite?!? (Great, just blame it on things that have nothing to do with the problem, instead of admitting you're plain lazy. Good job, Shanu).

Honestly, like I don't even know what's wrong here. Why do I drool over books, waiting to get my hands on them, and then proceed to leave them deserted somewhere on a shelf, as they gather dust and become a victim of my oblivion (just kidding, I am a very neat person. My bookshelves would NEVER gather dust).

Classic. Bookworm. Dilemmas.

In my defense though, I did pick it up twice but after reading about five pages, I put it back, never to return to it. I don't know why but I just couldn't get into it. Clearly, I'm winning at life and YOU ALL SHOULD ASPIRE TO BECOME LIKE ME.

Anyhoo, I'm hoping I can finally get started with this book because Bookstagram has nothing but high praise for this one (and obviously, that is the only factor you need to consider)!

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4. This Savage Song by V. E. Schwab

Victoria Schwab has taken the book-reading community by storm and everywhere I look, there are people losing their shit over one of her books. I haven't yet read any of her works* but, hopefully that status will change soon!

* Do you know what? The further along I get with this post, the more I realize that my reading game has been disappointing lately. My TBR just keeps growing and growing and at this point, it frankly looks like an evil power, out to get me. Maybe it will just topple over me one night, as I sleep and threaten to choke me to death (See, this is why you guys read my blog.. for bright, sunny thoughts).

Anyway, the reason I'm so excited to pick up "This Savage Song" is because it has got monsters in it. And what is Fall without a few monsters to creep you out? If you're on the hunt for a spooky Fall read, maybe this one will turn out to be perfect for you too!

let's chat

Don't go yet! Tell me if you've read one of these books already. And if yes, did you like it? What are you planning to read this Fall?

Also, major side note, do you have Fall where you live? If you do, can you please adopt me, so I can come live with you and we can enjoy a glorious season together? Please, pretty please??

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