What I'm reading over Diwali break
By the time this post goes live, I will be on my way home. Next week is Diwali, a major festival here in India, and I’ve taken a week off wo
Fall Themed Books | Top Ten Tuesday
If a book is going to be sitting on my bookshelf for far longer than it takes me to read it.. it better be bloody beautiful.
The "Would You Rather" Book Tag
So, guys. During my high-key, obsessive, Internet ​travels (you mean stalking, keep things honest, Shanu), I discovered another wonderful bo
Swoon-Worthy Bookish Characters | Top Ten Tuesday
It's time to declare our eternal, undying love for some of our favorite characters. You know, the ones that induced some MAJOR. HARDCORE
Blog Update | Saturday Shenanigans
Anyway, now that you guys know what a fabulous blogger I am and how I always have my shit together, let's talk about some changes that I
Rhysand visits the Summer Court || Thursday Quotables
I'm VERY excited to do this post because it gives me a chance to gush about something that really stood out to me while reading.
YA Books about Mental Health || Top Ten Tuesday
So, first things first, Top Ten Tuesday. Â This is a weekly meme/ prompt/ feature started by "The Broke and the Bookish" and I'
This week flew by | Saturday Shenanigans
Hi. Hello. Howdy.
My Fall Reading List 2017
Every time my social media feed starts raving about Fall and crunchy leaves and apple-picking, I go a little crazy myself.
My Top 5 Favorite / Auto-Buy Authors
As any sane bookworm will attest, there is a very specific list of authors that make it to our top favorites. The authors that we pledge our